We understand that EV charger with capacity to make a car full charged in 8 hours could be counted as one under v2009, so quick charger which has capacity of charging a car to full in 2 hours could be counted as 4. Is this approach still acceptable under v4?
Marilyn Specht
Senior Principal | Director of Sustainability IntegrationSmithGroup
LEEDuser Expert
51 thumbs up
August 28, 2017 - 11:28 am
Hi Noriko, In quickly scanning the reference guide, I did not find any mention of this so I would assume this is not allowed. But you could check with GBCI directly to be sure.
Noble Cummings
Project ManagergreenSTUDIO
May 1, 2018 - 11:14 am
Was there any clarification for this?
Emily Purcell
Sustainable Design LeadCannonDesign
LEEDuser Expert
372 thumbs up
May 1, 2018 - 1:12 pm
This would not be allowed in v4. v2009 measured compliance by the number of vehicles served per day, so a quick charger factored into that. But v4 measures compliance based on the number of parking spaces served, so charge time does not factor into it.
Noriko Nagazumi
Woonerf Inc.74 thumbs up
July 2, 2018 - 1:20 am
I asked to GBCI, and have just gotten the following clarification:
No, it is not acceptable to reduce the number of charging stations required by providing faster charging stations. The credit language requires the number of EVSEs to be based on the project's total vehicle parking capacity ("2% of all parking spaces used by the project"), rather than the number of vehicles served. The rating system and reference guide also specify that only Level 2 or 3 chargers qualify for the credit.