The fan power calculated by the formula presented in APPENDIX G3.1.2.9 of ASHREA90.1-2007 is the sum of all the fan power including supply fan,returen fan,exaust/relief fan.
However,in the simulation program eQuest,the fan power should be input individually by the means of "kw/cfm" or "pressure and efficiency".So the fan power input in eQuest cannot according the formula presented in APPENDIX G3.1.2.9 perfectly.Does USGBC accept the result calculated by the simulation program?
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5924 thumbs up
March 14, 2011 - 9:04 am
eQUEST can calculate this perfectly. You will need to do a modeling run to size the supply CFM according the G3.1.2.8. Using those results the fan power is calculated for each system according to G3.1.2.9 (CFM comes from SV-A DOE2 report). Assuming all CFM is being applied to a supply fan, divide the kW by the CFM and use that as your eQUEST input.
This is a bit of a simplification but hopefully it will get you started.