client has a office building (previously developed land) being built along a waterway at a major US port. the building is set back from the water the appropriate amount to comply with regulations. the building is purely an office building, with associated parking. However, the same contractor will also be building a bulkhead at the waterline for barges to dock. the barges that will dock here are related to the company whose office is being built, but the people who work these barges and get on and off will not be using the office building. nor will any "deckhands" that assist at the bulkhead. these people will be using a neighboring other facility.
my question is, would the bulkhead need to be included in the LEED project boundary? The only relation is has to the office building seeking certification is that the land is owned by the same owner, and the same contractor building the office building will also be building the bulkhead. aside from that, they function and operate completely separately.
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
March 7, 2014 - 10:30 pm
Michael, it doesn't sound to me like the bulkhead should be included. It is not supporting the main function of the office building, is not connected physically, and only shares owner and contractor only.
Karen Blust
Green Building ConsultantThe Cadmus Group
124 thumbs up
April 15, 2014 - 2:46 pm
Hi Tristan, I have a related question. I am working on a new construction project that has both a building on land and on the river adjacent to it. The building in the river will NOT be mobile, it will be tethered down. These buildings are being constructed simultaneously by the same owner. They also share an address. Does the building on the river comply with this MPR and if so, can it be included in our single project registration?
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
April 15, 2014 - 3:05 pm
Karen, what are the functions of the two buildings and are they related? Typically LEED-NC is a whole building, i.e. single building, rating system, but there are exceptions to that, particularly if the buildings are closely related in function.Part of your question seems to be about MPR2, so I'd post your question there.