We understand that buildings roofs with PV should be excluded from the roof calculations. Does that also mean that PV canopies over on-grade parking should be excluded? That would just leave only "appurtenance-free" roofs and hardscape to be calculated?
Summer Minchew
Managing PartnerEcoimpact Consulting
LEEDuser Expert
170 thumbs up
July 14, 2017 - 1:57 pm
Deborah: You are absolutely correct in that the area of roof covered by PV is considered an appurtenance and should be excluded from the area considered as "roof" under this calculation. However, paved area shaded by PV covered canopies should be included as a compliant "nonroof" strategy under this calculation. This then leaves appurtenance free roof area and all nonroof strategies (reference Table 2 and 3 of the LEED Reference guide page202) to be calculated.