I posed a similar question in the forum for the Optimize Proces Water Use credit, but I figured I would post an addendum of sorts in the pilot credit forum.

My initial question pertained to whether residential projects were essentially excluded from both the Optimize Process Water use credit and this pilot credit, as the ASHRAE 90.1 baseline residential building excludes a cooling tower. I heard back from GBCI that "a residential project would be eligible if it has conditioned non-residential floor area (e.g. corridors, amenity spaces, etc) on more than 5 floors or >150,000 ft2, because the baseline system for those areas would be System 7 or 8." This is indeed the case for a couple of residential projects of mine, but I'm curious if anybody out there has attempted this pilot credit, claiming the process water use of a non-residential space in a predominantly residential project? I ask because this seems fairly contrary to the normal "majority of building use = building type" ethos of LEED.

Just curious if anyone has any feedback before putting my eggs in this pilot credit basket. Thank you!