The building has two of its bounding walls shared with its neighbour buildings. First question is, is a shared bounding wall considered part of the envelope? This would affect the window to wall ratio. The second question should the baseline be rotated?
This a lowrise building in a high density part of the high rise city. Not modelling the context (i.e. neighbor buildings) and rotating the baseline seem pretty distant from representing the energy performance of this building. Any thoughts?
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Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5922 thumbs up
July 21, 2014 - 3:30 pm
They are considered exterior walls and count in the ratio.
If you are not modeling the context then you certainly can rotate the baseline. I would recommend that you model the context to better represent reality. There is an exception in 90.1-2010 that allows site considerations to factor in the rotation. No sure if that was added by addendum. If it was you can use it (make sure you apply the addendum in its entirely) and try to justify the no rotation.