I see that it takes about 2 years for a LEED BD+C commercial project to go from "Registered" to "Certified". My question is at what stage of the project does a new commercial building get "Registered" and what is the process to get registered? Thanks for your help!
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emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
March 30, 2021 - 7:27 pm
Hi Adam,
The timeline for certification has many factors: size, location, local processes, weather, complexity...I have projects that have registered and certified in under two years and some that have taken eight...just varies.
You can register a project in LEED Online at any stage, as soon as you know the location, approximate size, and applicable version. The majority of projects likely register in concept or schematic design if I had to guess. Often, earlier is better.
You may want to start here for some guidance on getting started: https//www.usgbc.org/cert-guide