I am working on the daylighting prescriptive method for a veterinary hospital. We have a large lobby and open area near the front on the building with a large amount of glazing to provide plenty of natural daylight. The site is located in a very dense forested area plus the window area is protected by a large roof overhang ranging from 5-9 feet in depth.

After calculating the VLT x WFR, it ends up being greater than 0.18. The floor area is 1,471 SF with a window area of 670 sf of window area above 30 inches. I understand that the point is to prevent glare, but with the overhang and the existing site conditions I would think the glare would not be an issue. Does anyone have any suggestions what I can do? Is there a way to incorporate the large roof overhang to help reduce the VLT x WFR down below .18?

Thanks so much for your help