I received a preliminary design phase review comment on a preschool project for this PI form. We entered identical values for the peak and average transient occupancy because the building is secure from unscheduled visitors. The school does not host any special events, and there are only a few outside visitors that are all scheduled on a regular basis (weekly or monthly). There is only one shift, so there is no multiple shift overlap for occupancy. Am I missing anything here? This seems typical for a preschool, so I was surprised to receive the comment.
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David Posada
Integrated Design & LEED SpecialistSERA Architects
LEEDuser Expert
1981 thumbs up
April 12, 2018 - 1:12 pm
Hi Heather,
Your reasoning makes sense, but that's may not always be sufficient or expedient... and the transient numbers are usually so small they barely move the needle on water usage. Still, you know the drill.
Since even scheduled visitors count as transients (and having seen repair people, prospective parents, guest teacher/ presenters, student teacher observers, parents doing Picupandropoff who need to pee...) it might be reasonable to use a peak transient count of 2 and a daily average of...a few more. Does that make sense?
Heather Holdridge
Sustainability DirectorLake|Flato Architects
111 thumbs up
April 12, 2018 - 4:08 pm
My initial response to review comments is always defensiveness and anger, but I am now entering the acceptance phase :) To be clear, I did enter 160 for our daily average transients (visitors) -- I just also entered 160 for our peak transients. I'll pad that number by a few more to keep this process moving. Thanks for the quick response!
David Posada
Integrated Design & LEED SpecialistSERA Architects
LEEDuser Expert
1981 thumbs up
April 12, 2018 - 6:16 pm
Well done if you managed to skip over the bargaining and depression stages!
Remember, "daily average transients" is the total number of visitors to enter the facility over the course of an average day, and the "peak" (# of visitors at the busiest time) will be smaller. If you have 160 total daily average, your peak is probably a fraction of that - maybe 50 people, 75 people - it will depend on the use patterns of your particular project.
These two numbers have been a source of so much ongoing confusion. And still there are no definitions in the v4 glossary relating to occupancy counts (FTE, visitors, transients, peak, etc...). And the Credit Library doesn't offer much help with the PI forms. You can find the explanation in the BD&C Reference Guide "Getting Started" section "Maintaining Consistency in the Application" subsection "Occupancy - Visitors."
For BD&C v4 Bicycle Facilities there is a link from the online Credit Library > Guide > Step-by-Step Guidance page from the text "(See Occupancy [link] on which building users to include in calculations)."
"Daily averages take into account all the occupants of a given type for a typical 24-hour day of operation.
Peak totals are measured at the moment in a typical 24-hour period when the highest number of a given occupant type is present. "