I have a LEED 2009 project and we are trying to go for a pilot credit - design for active occupants. When I go in to complete the survey requirements, it doesn't list this as one of the credit options? Any suggestions or guidance?
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Cynthia Kaplan
Principalcmk LEED
42 thumbs up
August 15, 2016 - 2:22 pm
I just had a v 2009 project earn this pilot credit on Friday, so it should be there.
Kath Williams
LEED Fellow 2011, PrincipalKath Williams + Associates
147 thumbs up
August 15, 2016 - 2:40 pm
Open your pilot credit in LEED pilot credit library. Scroll to bottom. It says
Participate in LEEDuser Forum. Right below that are buttons that start with Credit 1-27, 28-38, etc.
Click on whichever one is appropriate for pilot credit you are attempting. The feedback survey is there.
Good luck!
Douglas Flandro
Sustainability Design Leader, Exhibit Designer, AssociateCambridgeSeven
9 thumbs up
October 19, 2016 - 2:31 pm
The link I received from the email takes me to a menu page that didn't help. You have to go to the web page for the specific credit and there is a link somewhere on that page. Usually towards the bottom.