I am working on Daylight in Nonregularly Occupied Spaces. The project is also pursuing Daylight in Regularly Occupied Spaces. My questions pertains to the definition of "Un/Occupied Spaces". LEED definition states:

"Occupied spaces are enclosed areas intended for human activities. Unoccupied spaces are places intended primarily for other purposes; they are occupied only occasionally and for short periods of time - in other words, they are inactive areas. Examples of spaces that are typically unoccupied include the following: Mechanical and electrical rooms, egress stairways, closets in resience (but a walk-in closet is occupied), data center floor area, inactive storage area in a warehouse. Regularly occupied spaces are defined as more than one hour of continuous occupancy per person per day, on average."

My question is, does a phone room, huddle room, and conference room count as a "Regularly Occupied Space", if it isn't used everyday or by every person or even for a full hour? The book uses a conference room as an example of a regularly occupied space, but our building has 30+ conference room. Surely not every room will be used every day. Where would PHONE ROOM, HUDDLE ROOM and CONFERENCE ROOM fall?