
For a project no coolingtowers are used. There for we have the possibility to achieve the Pilot credit No Cooling Tower. The following requirements are given:
Projects may earn full credit (2 points) if all conditions are met:
- the baseline system designated for the building using ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Appendix G Table G3.1.1 includes a cooling tower (systems 7 & 8)
- the project design case does not include a cooling tower
- the design case mechanical system does not use the latent heat of the evaporative cooling of water.
- the project does not receive any cooling from a District cooling system
All other system types are ineligible for credit.

For this project an ATES system is used. I'm wondering if the third creditrequirement: " the project does not receive any cooling from a District cooling system" is applicable, hence the use of an ATES system.
Is this pilot credit achievable with the use of an ATES system?

kind regards,