For a project no coolingtowers are used. There for we have the possibility to achieve the Pilot credit No Cooling Tower. The following requirements are given:
Projects may earn full credit (2 points) if all conditions are met:
- the baseline system designated for the building using ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Appendix G Table G3.1.1 includes a cooling tower (systems 7 & 8)
- the project design case does not include a cooling tower
- the design case mechanical system does not use the latent heat of the evaporative cooling of water.
- the project does not receive any cooling from a District cooling system
All other system types are ineligible for credit.
For this project an ATES system is used. I'm wondering if the third creditrequirement: " the project does not receive any cooling from a District cooling system" is applicable, hence the use of an ATES system.
Is this pilot credit achievable with the use of an ATES system?
kind regards,
Emma Hughes
USGBC1 thumbs up
September 5, 2017 - 4:42 pm
Hi Ydo,
Yes, projects using an ATES system in place of a cooling tower may pursue LEED v4 WE pilot credit 94: No Cooling Tower, as long as the other project meets all eligibility requirements for projects without Cooling Towers or Evaporative Condensers.