Will a stone paver that has been tested and meets the SRI requirement for roofs be acceptacle for hardscape? Or does the paver need to be re-tested for SR?
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Forum discussion
NC-v4 SSc5: Heat island reduction
Will a stone paver that has been tested and meets the SRI requirement for roofs be acceptacle for hardscape? Or does the paver need to be re-tested for SR?
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emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
November 12, 2018 - 11:35 am
I think if it's been tested once, the location of the paver won't matter, as the testing results won't be any different whether it's ground level or on a roof.
Summer Minchew
Managing PartnerEcoimpact Consulting
LEEDuser Expert
170 thumbs up
November 12, 2018 - 6:24 pm
My understanding is that if the material is used in a roof application you need an SRI and if the material is used in a nonroof application you need an SR value. This does pose a challenge when you have a stone paver used in a roof application as typically the testing would be for SR value not SRI. On previously approved projects where we took this approach, we listed the paver compliance as 0 but came out ok anyway in the weighted calculator (within the LEEDonline form) as the rooftop paver sf was minimal in comparison to the high SRI roofing material sf.