My current project buidling is using a offsite parking structure that is used for mulitple buildings surrounding it. The structure was built before the current local paking space code and is over the limit but the city grandfathered it in. Does this, already being over the local code limit, exclude it from the credit? Can we partition off of a section of the parking structure with signage to reduce the parking spaces down from around 500 to meet code and the credit requirments?
Thank you
Chad Thurlow
Calie Gihl
Design EngineerLEEDuser Expert
19 thumbs up
November 7, 2017 - 5:03 pm
Hi Chad,
Since this parking structure is used by multiple buildings, your project's share of the parking spaces can be used as your number of spaces instead of all 500. For example, if there are 5 buildings using this parking structure, with an equal number of occupants in each that all have equal access to the structure, then your building's share of that structure would be 100 spaces. Make sure to provide a narrative documenting this calculation and your reasoning for providing a reduced number of spaces.
USGBC language: "If parking spaces are shared among two or more buildings (“pooled” parking), determine the share of this parking allocated to the project. Include this number of spaces in the total parking capacity and provide rationale for the parking distribution, if necessary."