I have modeled parking garage in the simulation by taking 0.75 cfm/sf (exhaust)from ASHRAE 62.1-2007 which leads to energy consumpation of 43,450kWh. And in proposed case we are using CO sensor based parking garage due to which parking garage fans work for hardly 4 to 5 hours daily which leads to annual energy consumption of 20,850 kWh. Is it feasible to claim saving by this way?
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Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5915 thumbs up
December 5, 2012 - 10:08 am
Yes but make sure you follow the exceptional calculation in section 1.7 of the form. You will need to fully describe and justify all of your modeling (or calculation) assumptions and justify that this strategy is not required or standard practice in your location.
10 thumbs up
December 5, 2012 - 1:12 pm
Thanks sir. instead of showing it in exceptional calc, i put it in table 1.8.1 & 1.8.2. In addition to this again 1 problem arised. EFLH of parking garage seems high i.e. 365x24 in baseline case. but in proposed case it comes around 365x5.5.EFLH in proposed case is lower because of CO sensors. Is it feasible to model parking garage to 365x24 hrs of operation in baseline?
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5915 thumbs up
December 5, 2012 - 4:18 pm
Those sound like tables from the v2.2 template and not the LEED 2009 form?
If you have the parking garage ventilation on a completely separate line item then it is OK to just provide the thorough description and explain your calculations without having to do the formal exceptional calculation. The baseline fan is constant volume but a 24 hour operation in the baseline would need to be justified in your narrative. Is the garage open 24/7? If not then 24 hour operation would not be justified.
10 thumbs up
December 6, 2012 - 2:16 am
you caught me. it is v3 project. I put those values in EAp2-4 and EAp2-5. Thank you so much.
Anthony Hardman
Building Performance AnalystThe Green Engineer
16 thumbs up
December 6, 2012 - 5:04 pm
I would reference the ASHRAE applications handbook to justify any CO based fan savings, otherwise you may get denied for claiming too much savings. See A15.19-21 and Figure 15 specifically. It provides backup data and examples.