I am working on a production facility located in China with no local zoning requirements regarding the parking capacity.
I am wondering if we could go for option 4 by providing 25% less parking lots than required in the 2003 ITE study.
I have two questions regarding this topic:
1 On the LEED online form I cannot find the option 4 for submittal. Is this compliance part really viable for non-residential projects or only for schools as mentioned in my Reference Guide (2009 Edition)?
2. Before shelling out 180$, could anyone please give me a general idea if compliance would be possible for a industrial project with 190.000 squarefeet and118 FTE when providing 30 parking lots?
I would be very grateful for any kind of feedback. Thanks a lot in advance
Best regards
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
November 12, 2010 - 12:12 pm
Robert, about the form question, I would check that your form is not "BETA" and ask GBCI for help via the feedback link.I couldn't answer your second question offhand. There is a lot of data in the ITE study. We reviewed it here.