For Option 2. Waste Prevention, are we still allowed to use the 15 lb/sf metric for acheiving 1 point as long as the project was registered prior to that change (looks like April 2023)? Looks like the LEEDUser's Viewpoint still references the 15 lb/sf but they maybe took that option away.
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Tiffany Beffel
Managing PartnerInnovative Workshop Consulting
LEEDuser Expert
22 thumbs up
February 7, 2025 - 11:35 pm
Hi Jason. I don't believe there is any allowance for using 15 lb/sf under v4.1. Interestingly, the reference guide indicates 10 lb/sf, however, the template requires 7.5 lb/sf or less. I would suggest reaching out to your LEED coach or USGBC directly for confirmation and potential strategy if your project parameters are making it difficult to achieve.
Emily Purcell
Sustainable Design LeadCannonDesign
LEEDuser Expert
372 thumbs up
February 10, 2025 - 9:42 am
You can use any version of v4.1 if you registered prior to the April 2023 update. See also this USGBC support answer.
However, I have had GBCI reviewers tell me I can't do that, and I've had to send them those links and point out our registration date. With all the updates and rules and versions, seems like they are as lost as we are! So if you intend to follow the 15 lbs/sf metric I recommend writing a narrative stating this approach, quoting the links above, noting your registration date, and exactly which version of v4.1 you're following. Just make it as clear as possible.