Hi all,
In this credit, we need at least 20 products from at least 5 manufacturers with EPDs. Could we have some industry-wide EPDs (valued as 1/2 product) and some product-specific EPDs (valued as 1 product)?
Or all EPDs must be the same type, either industry-wide (40 EPDs needed) or product-specific (20 EPDs needed)?
Many thanks.
Kristina Bach
VP of InnovationSustainable Investment Group
151 thumbs up
August 7, 2018 - 8:30 am
You can do a mixture. You just need to make sure that your LEED-applicable total adds up to at least the 20 minimum ((industry count/2)+(product specific count)=20). And of course you'll need to make sure/confirm that the industry-wide ones align with their extra eligibility rule (that your product manufacturer is specifically recognized as a participant in the industry-wide EPD).
Dung Bui
August 9, 2018 - 11:38 pm
Thank you for your reply, Kristina.
Have a good day.