Thanks to LEED User I just discovered the latest version of NC4.1_LTc8 requires 5% of spaces to comply with Electric Vehicle Charging Requirements, instead of 2%.
My LEED v4.1 Guide (which has July 2019 dated on it) says 2% and I have been advising my clients that they only need 2% of spaces. I can't find any information on this change within v4.1. Can we still achieve the point with 2% compliance instead of 5%?
I had no information about this change, does anyone know when it happened? How do you find out about updates like this?
Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
539 thumbs up
September 24, 2021 - 7:13 am
I believe the subsequent version to July 2019 was the November 2020 version (although there may have been a version or two between them, i am not sure). The Nov 2020 version requires 5% EV charging stations. We try to save each version since USGBC pulls old versions from their website.
I no longer refer to this as LEED v4.1 but rather version April 2019, version Nov 2020, version April 2021, etc.. and I am not joking. So much changes so fast.
When advising project teams I always keep my eye on since this has all the most current credit requirements.
Nick Semon
Senior PM, Sustainability ConsultantRe:Vision Architecture
28 thumbs up
September 24, 2021 - 7:17 am
My understanding of the 4.1 substitutions is that they act like LEED Interpretations -- I believe you are tied into the credit version that exists when the project is registered, and you may choose to opt in to future credit revisions. If the version of the credit you are looking for is not available when you try to pull the form, you may need to reach out to GBCI.
So, Timothy, if your project has been registered for a while, you may be able to get by with 2%. But if the project hasn't registered yet or registered after the change, you will likely be held to 5%. Your best bet is to open a support ticket to ask if the option is available to you.
Changes to v4.1 are not tracked terribly well. It's mostly up to you to keep up with the revised criteria, and rely on sources like LEED User to summarize important changes.
Bipin Karki
Sustainability Project Manager88 thumbs up
September 24, 2021 - 8:32 am
As per the 2019 LEED v4.1 BD+C Beta Guide or July 2020 LEED v4.1 BD+C Beta Guide - Option 1: Electric Vehicle Charging the requirement is to install electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) in 2% of all parking spaces used by the project or at least two spaces, whichever is greater.
As per February 2021 LEED v4.1 BD+C Guide - Option 1. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (1 point) the requirement is to install electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) in 5% of all parking spaces used by the project or at least two spaces, whichever is greater.
There are two LEED v4.1 Forms within LEED Online (V01 and V02). The V01 is for Option 1: Electric Vehicle Charging (2%) and V02 is for Option 1. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (5%). The general rule which to attempt what is the latest guidance at the time of project registration but the updates were so fast many projects are attempting a mix of both guidance.
I think if you mention the reason for attempting 2% and provide the V01 version of the LEED Form, this should be accepted. Further, you can reach out to the LEED Coach or GBCI for pre-confirmation before submitting the project for Review.
As mentioned by David, the latest guidance are published in USGC online Reference Guide, and you track changes on Addenda section.
Pooja Sannamani
AECOM3 thumbs up
September 24, 2021 - 1:58 pm
Timothy, to answer your case, if you have already registered the project before Nov 2020 version release you should be good. You have the option to pick from 2019 version or any later version (whih you for sure should for MR Credits). If you haven't then you would have to increase the EV charger numbers.
Timothy Ian Middleton
Worklounge 03- Vietnam1 thumbs up
September 26, 2021 - 4:24 am
Wow, thanks for all the comments. This is very helpful. The project I am currently looking at is only just registering now, so we may have to stick with the updated threshold. I will chat with the LEED coach about this and see.
Thankfully the project owner is still checking the cost of credits so its not too late, but now I have to advise them that "the LEED goalpost has moved", and that is a bit unnerving for them! I appreciate the information all of you have provided and when you noticed the updated criteria, this helps me give the project owner a bit more detail about when the change occured.
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
September 27, 2021 - 2:56 am
Just a note I found that helps clarify applicability to v4 and 4.1 projects and timing. In an article released in early Dec, it states the following:
“The goal is to make sure that teams have access to the best options for their project, so LEED v4.1 project teams have the option of using the newest content found in addenda or using the version that was current at the time of the project’s registration. Older versions of the credit language can be found in the USGBC resource library. Do you have a LEED 2009 or LEED v4 project that incorporates LEED v4.1 via credit substitutions? If so, you are free to use any version of the credit, the original LEED v4.1 credit or any version found in addenda.”
This came from this article:
I was getting worried that our v4 projects using v4.1 substitutions (all of my v4 projects, really), applicability would be contingent on when the v4 project was registered and whatever version of 4.1 was in place at that time. Seems like we don’t have to worry about (or try to keep track of) that aspect…we just have to track which version of the v4.1 updates we’re using on a per project basis.