Hello, I am working on a LEED CI Project and I saw that it seems feasible to follow Option-1 “Transit-Served Location” for the project thanks to the location of the building.
Before registering for the Pilot Program I would ask you some questions:
a. Is it ok if I take into account only buses or do I have to take into account other transit types?
b. What is intended as “trips are counted only if they are part of a route with service in opposite direction”? Is it correct if I mean that we should only take into account for buses that have stops in two opposite directions in a ¼ mile walk distance or may I have to take into account only one bus that stops only in one direction in a ¼ mile walk distance but is part of a route with service in opposite direction?
I try with an example: We have 4 buses that stop in a ¼ mile walk distance with an average of 70-80 stops per day in only direction (but are not part of a route) and only 1 bus that have 3 stops in a ¼ mile walk distance (average of 100 stops at each stop in one direction) that have service in opposite direction. Do we have to take into account all these 4+1 buses? Or only 1 bus at 3 stops?
c. is it possible to achieve only one point under this credit for Innovation in Design even if, for example, I have more than 100 weekday trips and 65 weekend trips?
Thank you in advance!
Fred Dock
Director, Department of TransportationCity of Pasadena, CA
43 thumbs up
January 26, 2011 - 7:22 pm
Option 1 of the credit allows for most forms of transit to be counted towards the credit requirements. The distance requirements allow for a wider radius of influence for the higher capacity forms of transit (Bus Rapid Transit, Light, Heavy or Commuter Rail and Ferries) than for the lower capacity forms (basic Bus and Streetcar). It is not required that all qualifying service within the applicable influence areas be counted, but all can be. Be sure that the 3 bus stops are a part of that route with service in the opposite direction of any of those 70-80 bus stops. (“Trips are counted only if they are a part of a route with service in the opposite direction.” )
The overall utility of transit is reduced when the location of the transit stop for one direction of service is outside the appropriate influence area (i.e. the ¼ and ½ mile walking distance). The credit addresses this issue by only allowing transit service that has stops in both directions on a route within the appropriate influence area to be counted. If I understand your example correctly, only the route that has 3 stops would count since that is the only service that meets the requirement for service in both directions within the influence area.
Under LEED CI, only 1 point may be awarded for using this Pilot Credit program regardless of the degree to which each credit is satisfied. However, you are encouraged to document to the highest threshold possible to ensure that we've selected the appropriate thresholds and that it is reasonably simple for project teams to document credit compliance to the various thresholds provided in the credit. Please note, a project cannot achieve additional Innovation in Design or Exemplary Performance points for credits attempted through the Pilot Credit library.
Habitech Distretto Tecnologico Trentino
LEED Services in Europe - Founding Member of GBC ItaliaHabitech-Distretto Tecnologico Trentino
78 thumbs up
January 29, 2011 - 6:02 am
Thank you for your prompt answer Fred!
We registered the project for the Pilot Credit. Now we will work on the documentation about this credit.