Hello, I am working on a LEED CI Project and I saw that it seems feasible to follow Option-1 “Transit-Served Location” for the project thanks to the location of the building.

Before registering for the Pilot Program I would ask you some questions:
a. Is it ok if I take into account only buses or do I have to take into account other transit types?
b. What is intended as “trips are counted only if they are part of a route with service in opposite direction”? Is it correct if I mean that we should only take into account for buses that have stops in two opposite directions in a ¼ mile walk distance or may I have to take into account only one bus that stops only in one direction in a ¼ mile walk distance but is part of a route with service in opposite direction?
I try with an example: We have 4 buses that stop in a ¼ mile walk distance with an average of 70-80 stops per day in only direction (but are not part of a route) and only 1 bus that have 3 stops in a ¼ mile walk distance (average of 100 stops at each stop in one direction) that have service in opposite direction. Do we have to take into account all these 4+1 buses? Or only 1 bus at 3 stops?
c. is it possible to achieve only one point under this credit for Innovation in Design even if, for example, I have more than 100 weekday trips and 65 weekend trips?

Thank you in advance!