Our design is composed of occupancy sensors in large Locker rooms of a manufacturing plant but they apparently may not be enough to comply with the credit requirements.
We suggested to the client to add on/off switches to each locker room. As the lockers are large spaces (3250sf) the Client is afraid one employee could turn off the light leaving someone else in the dark: this does not comply with their safety policy.
Could you advise if we can make a case and stick with occupancy sensors?
Lauren Sparandara
Sustainability ManagerGoogle
LEEDuser Expert
997 thumbs up
September 30, 2013 - 1:40 pm
Hi Charline,
So occupancy sensors aren't inherently bad or not allowed as a compliance path. You would need to have a manual override for these spaces - though - in order for them to count. The intent of the credit is around controllability. I would try to find a way to meet the needs of the credit in terms of allowing for some degree of controllability or it may be the case that the credit isn't applicable to this project type.
Based on your description it seems that occupancy sensors make good sense because you have a space that is very often not occupied. It's possible that you could have occupancy sensors with a manual override option in place and maybe even a stated or written policy or sign where employees are educated on what might be the "right" way to use the lights (i.e. they are instructed to not turn off the lights if there are others in the space, etc.)
Charline SEYTIER
CEO, Co-owner.ThemaVerde, France
15 thumbs up
October 3, 2013 - 1:00 pm
Hi Lauren!
Thanks for the insights!!
We were thinking of suggesting to the client to add dimmers, I guess that would do the manual override?
Lauren Sparandara
Sustainability ManagerGoogle
LEEDuser Expert
997 thumbs up
October 3, 2013 - 7:10 pm
Hi Charline!
Yes, controllability is key. So long as occupants have control then they are in good shape.