I have received 2 review comments in the past few weeks that take issue with the fact that the "Substantial Completion" or "Estimated date that project will be ready for occupancy" date on the Pform is not exactly the same as the "Occupancy" date on the EQ3.2 form.

I don't interpret these two dates as the same anyway. An estimated or substantial completion date that the design team puts down on a Pform that is likely submitted long before the project is complete is basically never going to be the same as an actual Owner driven occupancy date. Not unless you are doing a combined submittal and make them the same, despite the fact that what is being asked is different.

So now I'm in the position of explaining that the dates aren't the same because they aren't asking for the same thing in both places.

Is anyone else seeing these comments? Does it make sense to have to make a pre-emptive narrative statement that these dates actually aren't the same to forestall the comment? Or are they actually indicating that we should be making those dates the same whether they are or not?