I am working on a C&S project that has a baseline system designated for the building using ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Appendix G Table G3.1.1 that includes a cooling tower (system 7) AND there is no cooling tower for this project. My interpretation is that this qualifies for the whole 3 points rewarded to C&S projects that have a 100% reduction in water use. Has anyone successfully documented this path? Would be interested to hear any feedback received from reviewers on this.

I could pursue Alternate Compliance Path "WEpc94 - No Cooling Tower" as the registration appears to still be open for that, but that is only worth 2 points and the v4.1 Option 2 does seem compliant to me (and worth 3 points.) I'm just hesitant due to lack of examples.

Thanks in advance for your input!