Where in the 2009 CI LEED reference guide does it state that only NEW Energy Star appliances are to be included in the calculations? I see you all note that new equpment only is what is supposed to be included in the paragraph above and in comments, but I seem to be missing it in the LEED reference guide.
For example ... I have a client who is relocating all of their printers, monitors, laptops and desktops. Therefore the only new equipment are appliances and TVs. So all I would include are the appliances and TVs?
Please confirm. I just want to make sure I am understanding correctly.
Michelle Rosenberger
523 thumbs up
July 16, 2013 - 4:37 pm
Hi Lara,
Yes, Energy Star only applies to "new" and "eligible" pieces of equipment. Relocated equipment is excluded, so yes only include TVs and appliances and makes sure you explain in Special Circumstances that the office equipment is relocated.
Look at the 4/16/2010 addendum to see where this is stated. It's very difficult to keep up with all the ever changing requirements. You'll need to watch quarterly addenda in addition to CIRs and on-line credit forms to capture all the nuances. Unfortunately, you cannot rely on the reference manual to contain everything anymore. It's a continuing lament.
Welcome aboard.
Lara Schneider
3 thumbs up
July 16, 2013 - 4:57 pm
Thank you so much! This is exaclty what I needed and was searching everywhere for. Looks like I need to catch up on my addenda ...
Suzanne Painter-Supplee, LEED AP+ID&C
PrincipalSEESolutions LLC
126 thumbs up
July 16, 2013 - 11:07 pm
We run into this all the time with commercial kitchen equipment. Schools take very good care of their equipment, as an example, so there's potentially a lot of "existing, relocate'. But the consequences real world can be wicked if the actuals are far from the models. And they could be with dishwashers and ice makers because the water and energy has dropped so drastically. Utilities often give rebates on both so an energy audit factoring that in might be prudent. Then, use the template to calculate.
Christopher Shaw
Seeberger Architecture27 thumbs up
February 6, 2014 - 4:35 pm
I hate to be dense but ours is a small office remodel, and there are only three pieces of equipment bought FOR the remodel a refrigerator, a TV, and a dishwasher all energy star compliant therefore we are 100% compliant four points! & an EP! - but that hardly seems right. What am I missing?
I say FOR the remodel, because it's been going on for a year and some new PC's have been bought that would have been needed anyway; I could include them I guess, but it doesn't change the strange total compliance.
Suzanne Painter-Supplee, LEED AP+ID&C
PrincipalSEESolutions LLC
126 thumbs up
February 7, 2014 - 12:59 pm
Yes, it is what you buy, not what you use. But if I recall correctly, if the PC's used are within a year old, they count. Don't forget copiers, printers, monitors, routers, servers, various phone systems, & modems. Since smaller offices often use "residential" products, the "oh yeah" list can be found here, & USGBC statement below that, which is good since while there are Energy Star light strips, air conditioners, etc., they don't apply here. Hope it helps!