On a LEED-CI project where the interior will be renovated, the project owner encourages walking. A walking path has been provided that overlooks an atrium and is daylit with a skylight. While this path is used as corridor for business use, occupants specifically use this space for walking during lunch, or before and after work. Credit language does not currently give credit for something like this, or offer an "other" option that can be submitted as one of the 7 required criteria. I recommend that a 12th item be added that allows a project team to propose a new criteria that supports the intent of this credit.
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Ann Trent
ArchitectGresham Smith & Partners
6 thumbs up
June 3, 2015 - 4:58 pm
I second Garrett's motion! On a LEED-NC project where an exterior loop walking track was provided to encourage "walking meetings" and breaking for some physical activity, the project owner encourages walking within an otherwise sedentary office environment. The loop is designed to be 1/8 mile, has rubber flooring, and is at the perimeter of the floor plate where there are ribbon windows for natural light and views. In addition, it passes through a 3-story atrium/public lobby.
Douglas Flandro
Sustainability Design Leader, Exhibit Designer, AssociateCambridgeSeven
9 thumbs up
October 19, 2016 - 2:05 pm
Has anyone considered adding an exterior nature trail or bicycle trail as an additional compliance alternative? Or perhaps a parking lot that is not near the building? Are there any other pilot credits that act as an incentive for this?