Hello all,

I'm looking at metering a new construction building with a single controller. The specific controller that I'm looking at has the capability to monitor each individual end use (Lighting, Plug Loads, HVAC, water, gas, etc.). However, I'm also trying to minimize the cost of the overall installation price. After much thought I've come to the conclusion that I need to minimize the amount of CT's (current transducers) that I'll be using when metering the loads coming off the distribution panel boards.

My question is can I meter everything on a distribution board except one specific end-use, say HVAC for example, and have the controller programmed to calculate the difference in the main power usage and all the metering loads to back out the remaining loads (HVAC loads) and still obtain the advanced energy metering credit? This will still provide the energy usage of multiple air conditioning units and will reduce the cost of CT's as each unit will require 3 each.

This is my first post and I am new to LEED to I apologize in advanced if my question is not clear.


Erik G.