One of my clients is interested in v4 ID+C, so I have been reading v4 ID+C reference guide. As I am reading the reference guide, I think v4 ID+C reference guide is just poorly made.

1. v3 ID+C rg had some helpful information for projects that were limited by existing or base system. However, v4 ID+C rg a ctrl+C, ctrl+v version of the v4 BD+C, and doesn't have the information that I found helpful on the
v3 version.

2. v4 BD+C MR Building Product Disclosure and Optimization credits require 20 products to comply with the project. ID+C, usually whose project size/scope is much smaller than BD+C, requiring same number of products as BD+C doesn't make any sense to me.

I like to hear from some people who had a chance to read ID+C, and hear their thoughts on v4 ID+C.