Have any project teams had success using two different commissioning agents from two different entities in order to perform commissioning services on their project? For example, can the Owner contract a third party firm to commission all of the building systems and then can the Owner commission the envelope themselves, in order to achieve all 6 points under this credit?
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Dan Forino
Regional DirectorHorizon Engineering Associates
58 thumbs up
May 15, 2018 - 10:19 am
We have had success achieving all 6 points utilizing multiple CxA's (specifically Fundamental / Enhnaced / Building Envelope so (3) entities as well as (2) entities before), but I will caveat that by saying the Owner was not one of them. The LEED v4 Manual does indicate that "an employee of the owner or an independent consultant contracted to the owner" may satisfy the Enhanced Cx requirement (which Building Envelope falls under).