The steel supplier for the structures contractor on our project has gone out of business and thus information regarding MR4 Recycled Content, and MR5 regional materials information is unavailable for material that has already been delivered and installed on the project. Is there a default percentage that can be used to address these credits?
Nadav Malin
CEOBuildingGreen, Inc.
LEEDuser Expert
844 thumbs up
December 6, 2017 - 9:21 am
Hi Jack,
Yes, there is a long-standing recycled content value for steel--it's covered in the FAQ section of this LEEDuser credit guidance--please check it out there. Not nearly as high as you would likely be able to get if you had the actual numbers, but sounds like you're stuck there. The regional materials info is a different story--that would have to specific to each location, so there is no default value there.