MR Credit: Reduce Embodied Carbon

Comment 1: LEEDv5 could publish and require regional benchmarks for concrete. Concrete is a regional material that relies on regional material availability. One source of regional benchmarks are published by the Carbon Leadership Forum in 2023 Carbon Leadership Forum, North American Material Baselines v2, August 2023.

Comment 2: We would encourage LEEDv5 to consider the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) Zero Carbon Building Standard (ZCB) to help drive carbon removals with major product insets (or high within the construction materials value chain offsets).  The main takeaway from the CaGBC ZCB standard is it address both operational and embodied emissions. This formula is directly from the standard:  Net emissions = embodied carbon + operational carbon – avoided emissions

This could be a part of MR – reduce embodied carbon or Project Priorities and Innovation IN