Please be careful and aware when you use the available spreadsheet:
Daylight and Views Calculator released 11152010.xls . The spreadsheet contains a mistake in its skylight roof coverage calculation but it still can be used as long as the project does not have two zones and skylight.
While we are waiting a revision, I would suggest to use another available spreadsheet such as:
Supplemental Daylight and Views Calculation Spreadsheet_NCandCS.xls .
This one has a correct formula.
Dana Murdoch
144 thumbs up
July 14, 2011 - 2:34 pm
Do you know if the updated spreadsheet is available??
Eddy Santosa
Director of SustainabilityDBR Engineering Consultants
376 thumbs up
July 15, 2011 - 6:22 pm
Last time, I checked the incorrect one is there. However, you can use the one that I mentioned. You may need to check the newest addeda since there are revisions.