
I'm aware of the guidance for this prereq/credit that allows projects with no landscaping to achieve the prereq and two points under Option 1 of the credit.

I'm wondering if anyone has been able to use that path with a nonzero but small amount of landscaping? Working on a project now that is nearly zero lot line and includes two planters on a roof deck equal to about 500 SF / 2% of the site area. They will be irrigated, so I know option 1 of the credit is not possible.

I'm hopeful that our landscape architect can show a 50% reduction in irrigation water use, but that might be tough in such a small space without much variation between typical practice and water-efficient practice. (Unlike, say, a larger area that would typically be turf grass, being on a roof in a small planter already limits species choice...) Anyone come across an exemption from the calculations for such small areas?