Hi to All, 

I would like to clarify the MEPC calculator inputs for LEEDv4 under C&S. 

In the Air-Side HVAC tab:

1/ Cooling & heating capacities:

Line 17: Total cooling capacity - do you enter just the capacity of coils in the AHU its self, or include the total capacity, including cooling capacity of terminal units (i.e. FCUs) under that system?
Line 21: Total heating capacity - ditto, the same as above, just for heating.

2/ In the Air-Side HVAC tab: Do you also enter systems that don't serve for ventilation, but just for cooling (i.e. server rooms (not data centres though)), or heating (i.e. radiators) here? I don't see a better place where to include these (unless they are left from the MEPC altogether)?

Thank you, 
