Dear Forum
I am busy with a LEED project for a manufactruing facility that has a combination of building HVAC systems and Manufucturing HVAC systems. The manufactruign HVAC systems are mainly extraction systems and filtered air suply systems with no air conditioning in the manufacturing space. I am not clear as to whether ASHRAE 90.1 2007 mandatory requriements are applicable to manufacturing HVAC systems as well.

ASHRAE 90.1 2007 section 2.3 states that:
"The provisions of this standard do not apply to
c. equipment and portions of building systems that use energy primarily to provide for industrial, manufacturing or commercial procesess."

Does this mean that we do not have to apply the mandatory conditions on all of the manufacturing related HVAC systems? When is a system deem to be a mnufacturing HVAC system and when is it deemed to be a building HVAC system?

Looking forward to your response