We recently received the review result of a LEED v4 Commercial Interior Project. The reviewer is asking for proof whether all mandatory requirements of section 9.4.1 for lighting control have been met?
From our earlier projects going for LEED V4 CI, we havent received any such comments. By simply reducing LPD and installating Daylight and Occupancy Sensors, we used to comply.
Now after checking ASHRAE 90.1 2010 Section 9.4.1 requirements, a lot of requirement might not be able to make.
What is the way forward here?
Francesco Passerini
engineer90 thumbs up
April 19, 2021 - 4:03 pm
Hello, where is located the project? In Europe there is a specific Alternative compliance path for the mandatory provisions.
shashank gangil
8 thumbs up
April 19, 2021 - 11:43 pm
Hi. The project is located in Hong Kong.
Annalise Dum
Vice President, SustainabilityJLL
2 thumbs up
September 2, 2021 - 5:35 pm
Hi Shashank Gangil, did you figure out your issue here? I am exploring something similar with a project.
Afogreen Build
www.afogreenbuild.comGreen Building Consultant
248 thumbs up
September 13, 2021 - 8:48 pm
Hi Shashank,
In the 9.4.1 Mandatory provision for lighting control, aside from daylight and occupancy sensor provision, you must also check about the 30%-70% control step down requirement (exclude the exception spaces mentioned in For this control step down you can use at least 3 circuitries to meet the requirement or if you want to be exempted then you need to make the LPD <6.4 W/m2.
But for the daylighting area, you need to provide dimming control to the daylight sensor, in order to control step down between 50% and 70% design lighting power and another control step that is no greater than 35% (including off) of design power.
For the daylighting area, you must provide the dimming control.
For the remaining spaces , you can check you circuitries and the LPD in your project for the control step down requirement, whether the space already complies from its circuitry or from the LPD can be exempted or need to reduce the lamp’s power and LPD to be exempted
Thanks and regards.