Since v4.1 has reorganized product categories, is there a change in the "boundary" we have to look at? "everything within the waterproofing membrane" is still a thing in v4.1 or not? I.e. insulation is now a category by itself, does it mean we have to consider all insulation, exterior applied included or do we stick to the waterprofing membrane limit? Thank you!
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Douglas Flandro
Sustainability Design Leader, Exhibit Designer, AssociateCambridgeSeven
9 thumbs up
March 10, 2021 - 4:31 pm
The credit language requirements still start with this statement, "Use materials on the building interior (everything within the waterproofing membrane) that meet the low-emitting criteria below." Then insulation is one of the categories below. The intent of the credit is to prefer proven low-emitting materials inside the weather barrier. Exterior insulation would likely be excluded, depending on the location of the air barrier in your building envelope assembly.