Under NC it was possible to earn an ID point for Low-emitting Furniture based on specific CIR-approved requirements. Anyone heard of being allowed to do so under BD+C for new construction (not Schools)? As we know, GBCI is in the process of re-thinking their "no precedent" policy with regard to CIRs, especially those that have been asked and answered. [As an aside, in our office we had to ask these 2 questions twice (for 2 separate projects!) that had been and continue to be allowed: PVs on adjacent buildings for EA 2 and lead/asbestos applicability under SS3. Both were answered in the affirmative. I had a personal email from GBCI saying that these types of questions would eventually be exempt from precedent setting limitations. The problem was that issues like these were not picked up and folded into LEED v3 2009, so we end up having to ask them again.] Enough harping. What can anyone share about low-emitting furniture in BD+C NC?