Achieving the minimum Ashrea 90.1-2007 requirement for lighting power density for office space specified at 1w per square foot has been virtually impossible for my team.

The office in question is mostly divided into private offices (but this is programmatic and unchangeable) and interview with the client employees revealed expectations for 50fc levels, not an unuasual request in this geography.
This may have to do with the fact that the project is in a sunny place and people expect their interiors to be likewise highly illuminated but this is a given reality as well.

My questions are:

1) Does anyone has any experience or thoughts about the possibility to request some extra watts in order to satisfy the high lighting levels demanded assuming I am demonstrating a very good (i.e. low) watt/foot candle ratio ?
I know that a sure way to go would be task lighting, but the design of the office just does not allow me much to furniture to mount on. Anyone with a guess of whether a wall or ceiling mounted or wall or ceiling recessed luminaries assuming they are connected to an automatic shutoff and are easily adjustable will fly?
