First off I have a slight confusion about whether library stacks should be considered non regularly occupied area or a regularly occupied area with movable furniture.

If the stacks are not bolted down but would still require staff to move them would they be considered movable furniture. Also would the area under them then be regularly occupied because the use of that area is thus flexible. The concern being that the library will eventually move away from books on shelves and utilize the space differently. So would this area then be regularly occupied with movable furniture that is not modeled and does not impact the simulation. I suppose the situation is similar to an open plan office with system furniture that could be reconfigured by building staff over time.

On the other hand if we are concerned only with the current appearance of the space this would be unoccupied given the category space matrix. But should the geometry of the stacks be included in the simulation in order to influence the daylight penetration into the rest of the space. Similarly would they be present for 8.2 views calculations.

I would imagine that this is a judgement call on using the prescribed usage or constructing a narrative to describe the design intentions. If anyone has had experience with this any advice would be much appreciated.