We have a LEED project that is taking a parcel used for an adjacent county building’s employee parking. As part of the agreement, the project will be building a parking deck that will have parking for both the project occupants and to replace the parking taken from the county. How are the county replacement spots counted toward the credit? The county spots will be the majority of the spots provided on the parking deck. Do we calculate the required parking by zoning for both buildings and provide preferred parking for both entities or do we only count the parking for our new building with a narrative explaining the remaining spots and the agreement? The entire parking deck will be included in our LEED boundary as it is in the middle of the site and contains part of the LEED project occupied space below it.
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Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
March 20, 2013 - 6:38 pm
Kellie, the most conservative approach here would be to include both buildings in your LEED requirements, so that you are sure to have enough complliant capacity.I'm curious if the buildings are in different locations relative to the parking lot, so that the preferred parking would logically be separate? In that case, I could see providing preferred parking for the project building, and leaving the other building to its own devices.If the preferred parking for one building would also be located in the same area as for the other building, it seems safest to me to combine them. Also, that way there is no resentment from the non-LEED building. Does this make any sense?
Kellie Hollenbeck
ArchitectWhitman Requardt & Associates
13 thumbs up
March 21, 2013 - 7:29 am
Thanks for the response. The building we are providing replacement parking for is at the complete opposite corner of our parking structure from the building we hope to certify. The building is not connected to the garage, though seperate vertical circulation is provided to provide easy access.
In previous projects where we had a parking structure and did prefered parking, the parking structure was existing so we had to verify that the parking spaces of the structure did not exceed the allowable by zoning for the 'campus'. We only provided prefered parking quantity (on the first level) for the CI project space by calculating the allowable spaces by zoning and from the landlord based on project SF. If it comes down to it, the cost of a few additional signs if requested by GBCI wont be too bad in the grand scheme of the total project.