I am working in a 9 story, existing building in downtown Pittsburgh, PA. Our client has 3.5 floors of area that is part of our project scope of work. The lobby, restrooms, elevators/stairs, are all part of the base building and will not be modified in our scope of work.
Our project has a physical separation from all these shared spaces, but some of them are in the middle of the floor plan
Should those spaces be included or excluded from the LEED project boundary? I believe they should NOT be included, but it will turn our project boundary into swiss cheese.
Thanks for your help.
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
April 7, 2020 - 1:13 pm
That sounds ok. "Swiss cheese" isn't exactly ideal, but "donut holes" are, so it's just a matter of degree ;-)
It is common to separate base building and TI space, and naturally the base building stuff is often at the core of the floor plan.