Hello, I have a project with three pieces of process water equipment and I have a few questions about the form.
1. Does the "cycles/ day" column represent an estimated cycles per day this piece of machinery will be used? For example, we estimate that our dishwasher will be run 3 times per day at full capacity?
2. To further question this, would my ice machine be entered as 1-cycle per day at 625 lbs/cycle as that is the max ice it can produce in 1 day?
3. If there are 3 dishwashers that are identical, do I enter the cycles per day and # of racks in dishwasher information once , or do I multiply my entries for usage by 3?
4. Lastly, for food steamers, the reference guide has "815 gph/pan" crossed out as the baseline and it was replaced with " 8 gal/hr/pan" however, the form continues to generate the 815 baseline number. Should I choose Other and manually update the entries?
Thank You!
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