We are working on a LEED B+C (non healthcare) project that has a clean room and trying to determine whether or not the clean room "unit"/prefab wall panel systems and ceiling panel systems should be or can be documented in the MR credits.  They are not necessarily permanently installed but could be.  Clean rooms typically fall within Division 13, Special Construction.  In the LEED Reference Manual, under Qualifying Products and Systems, most of the "required" materials fall into Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) 2012 MasterFormat Divisions 3-10, 31, and 32. In LEED v4.1 some specific products in divisions 11, 21-28, and other specialty divisions, that are  are “passive” (meaning not part of the active portions of the system) may be included in credit calculations.  Division 13 is not listed either as a required division or oprional division.  Does that mean that clean room wall and ceiling systems should not be included, should be included, or could be included as a "passive" specialty product or system?