We are proposing to install equipment for measuring the consumption of irrigation water, toilets and cooling towers. But it was not accepted by the Certification Body.
However, it was accepted on two other projects.
There are different ratings?
Look at the Final Review Comments:
"The project submittal indicates the intent to meet the requirements of this credit, stating that a water performance measurement plan will be developed and implemented. A narrative has been provided stating that the project will have permanently installed water submetering for irrigation systems, indoor plumbing fixtures and fittings, and process water in order to measure water consumption. However, it appears that the project has proposed a strategy to only measure water consumption, rather than implement a strategy to reduce water consumption. Please note that there are three basic criteria that must be addressed for achieving an Innovation in Design (ID) point: quantitative performance improvements (comparing a baseline and design case), a comprehensive strategy (more than one product or process), and the strategy must be applicable to other projects. In this case, note that quantitative performance improvements for water use reduction are demonstrated in WEp1/c3: Water Use Reduction and WEc1: Water Efficient Landscaping, and Innovation in Design credits are not awarded when the strategy aids in the achievement of an existing LEED credit (even if the credit was not applied in the project). In addition, the ID strategy must be significantly better thanstandard sustainable design practices. TECHNICAL ADVICE: Please attempt a different Innovation in Design strategy for the Final Review. No further information has been provided. The documentation does not demonstrate credit compliance."
Can I Appeal?
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
March 10, 2011 - 11:46 pm
You could appeal but it would be hard to know what to do to improve your chances of earning the credit. Perhaps direct communication with GBCI would be helpful—if they would explain to you why the credit was earned on other projects but not here.