Dear all,

I have also some doubts about this Pilot Credit (No Cooling Tower):


''the baseline system designated for the building using ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Appendix G Table G3.1.1 includes a cooling tower (systems 7 & 8)''

Considering an existing building (office), in Portugal, the baseline (used on design) was not the one from ASHRAE.

But considering the type (non residential), area ( >150000ft2), energy source (electric), according to table G1.1.1, the baseline indicates system 8 (VAV with PFP Boxes). Should I consider that the system 8 has a cooling tower included?

Our Project:

the project design case does not include a cooling tower;

the design case mechanical system does not use the latent heat of the evaporative cooling of water;

the design case mechanical system does not use the latent heat of the evaporative cooling of water;

the project does not receive any cooling from a District cooling system.

Can the credit be achieved?

Thank You in advance.

Goreti Guedes