Hello everyone,
We are doing Daylight simulation with IES-VE software in compliance with LEED daylighting Option 1.
We know that it is required two sets of simulations with and without blinds, and therefore, two sets of transmissivities should be considered for glzing with blinds and for glazing without blinds.
To put these transmissivities, we have followed the following direction in IES:
Building Template Manager->Construction->Glazed->Glazing with blinds (we have created it)->Tab Radiance IES.
in This tab of Radiance IES, there are 3 seperated tabs namely: Glazed surface, Frame, and Glazed surface w/blind.
Our doubt is mailnly regarding the signification of Glazed surface w/blind. Since we do not know whether in this tab, we have to consider the Trasmittance of blind itself to calculate the Transmissivity, OR, we have to put an specific Transmittance concerning both glazing and blind in order to achieve the Transmissivity.
We would highly appreciate your support if you have any experience of Daylight simulation for LEED Option 1 in IES-VE software.
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