We are looking forward to pursue LEED for an apartment building(only residential, of which each residential units will be sold to different tenants.
We are wondering whether this case can be considered as a "lease office building" and pursue LEED-CS instead of NC.
Under the project directories on the USGBC website, all projects with the word "apartment" or "residential" are registered/certified under NC or Homes(Multi-family).
Is it possible to pursue CS?
If yes, does anyone know any apartment project targeting CS?
David Posada
Integrated Design & LEED SpecialistSERA Architects
LEEDuser Expert
1980 thumbs up
February 7, 2011 - 12:01 pm
I haven't heard of any apartment buildings pursuing CS since a residential project is typically built out with the majority of walls, HVAC systems, plumbing fixtures, interior doors, and some or most of the finishes. Even if some of the fixtures and finishes are not installed until tenants buy their apartments, it is much more complete than a "core and shell" building.
CS projects would typically only build the ground floor entry lobby, elevators, elevator lobby, core mechanical rooms, bathrooms, exterior walls and windows, but the rest of the space is bare structure.
Chaan Ah Bahk
27 thumbs up
February 7, 2011 - 6:34 pm
Thank you for the reply!
What if it is the case that air-conditioners in each residential units will not be installed during the construction, but in the future by the tenants if they want?
Is there still no chance to go for CS?
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5920 thumbs up
February 8, 2011 - 8:42 am
CS was definately not written for an apartment building and would not be appropriate in my opinion. If the air conditioners are the only tenant installation/option then definately not.
Try to look at it this way - CS is a companion to CI. Is there enough scope of work on the part of a tenant to earn commercial interiors certification? If not then CS is not appropriate.
Why are you looking at CS in the first place? Residential under 4 stories is part of LEED for Homes, 4-6 stories can use LEED for Mid-Rise Residential or NC, over 6 stories LEED NC.