LEED CI 2009 states:
Project teams in California may use Title 24-2005, Part 6 in place of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007.
I searched for recent addenda or updates and there aren't any stating that projects in CA must use a newer version of T24 - like T24, 2010. If I use the 2005, I get a 33% savings as opposed to 13% for 2010. I want to make sure that is okay? Essentially, because CA is really on top of the green thing, if we are required to use the local code based on it being more stringent, therefore, we are pushed into a corner with trying to achieve energy savings. Comments?
Secondly, if we use T24, are we required to complete the ASHRAE Lighting Compliance Interactive forms? Please clarify. Thank you!