Is there a comprehensive directory of all the LEED certified recycling sites by state (or otherwise categorized)? I would love to see it.
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LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
February 23, 2015 - 4:45 pm
Frances - I think you are looking for recycling centers that that are regulated by a local or state government in terms of commingled recycling rates for MRc2 (5/9/2011 Correction regarding average annual recycling rate for commingled recycling rates). I am not aware of such a list. (Please note that there are not that USGBC and LEED do not certify recycling centers for the purposes of this credit.)
Depending on which state you are working in, you might want to check on the State government's website. California has a robust C&D waste website - but I didn't dig deeper to see if they have a list of state-regulated facilities.
Kristina Bach
VP of InnovationSustainable Investment Group
151 thumbs up
February 23, 2015 - 4:42 pm
Frances - Not sure if you're referring to the LEED-approved recycling centers for Pilot Credit MRpc87 (Verified Construction and Demolition Rates). For that credit, at the moment only the Recycling Certification Institute's Certificate of Real Rates is considered compliant/applicable. The Recycling Certification Institute does publish a list of the certified facilities (
LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
February 23, 2015 - 4:54 pm
Frances - If Kristina is correct in what you are seeking, you might want to post a question on that Pilot Credit's forum - (Thanks Kristina!)