I checked on page 185 of the BD+C Reference as mentioned by William in a previos post, and did not see anything about species factors. What is the complete reference title, can you please post a link so I can see what it looks like?
Forum discussion
NC-2009 WEc1: Water Efficient Landscaping
I checked on page 185 of the BD+C Reference as mentioned by William in a previos post, and did not see anything about species factors. What is the complete reference title, can you please post a link so I can see what it looks like?
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William Weaver
181 thumbs up
July 8, 2016 - 11:41 am
Species Factor (Ks):
Trees: 0.2 (low) / 0.5 (average) / 0.9 (high)
Shrubs: 0.2 (low) / 0.5 (average) / 0.7 (high)
Groundcover: 0.2 (low) / 0.5 (average) / 0.7 (high)
Mixed vegetation: 0.2 (low) / 0.5 (average) / 0.9 (high)
Turf: 0.6 (low) / 0.7 (average) / 0.8 (high)
Density Factor (Kd):
Trees: 0.5 (low) / 1.0 (average) / 1.3 (high)
Shrubs: 0.5 (low) / 1.0 (average) / 1.1 (high)
Groundcover: 0.5 (low) / 1.0 (average) / 1.1 (high)
Mixed vegetation: 0.6 (low) / 1.1 (average) / 1.3 (high)
Turf: 0.6 (low) / 1.0 (average) / 1.0 (high)
Amal Iqbal
DesignerCallander Associates Landscape Architecture
July 8, 2016 - 1:01 pm
Thank you so much!
I have another question if you don't mind, please?
The project has an overall maximized open space entry of 474,804sf (for the SSc5.2 credit) Our landscaped area however is 110,321sf that we have noted for the WEc1 credit. We got a comment from the reviewer that number of square footage needs to be consistent throughout the submittal.
Should I show the remainder 364,483sf (474,804-110,321) as non irrigated on the form? Can I even do that?
William Weaver
181 thumbs up
July 8, 2016 - 2:02 pm
Reviewers tend to forget that this credit applies to the area that is irrigated, which may not include all vegetated areas within the LEED boundary. I would provide a narrative that says something to the effect of:
While there is a total of 474,804 sf of vegetated landscape within the LEED project boundary, the 110,321 sf noted in WEc1 represents that area which is irrigated. While we could add the additional 364,483 square feet of vegetated area to the form, it would show zero (0) water applied to that area for both the base and design cases, making the end result exactly the same.
Carlie Bullock-Jones
PrincipalEcoworks Studio
LEEDuser Expert
220 thumbs up
August 17, 2016 - 5:40 pm
If a species does not require irrigation once it is established, then the effective KS = 0 and the resulting KL = 0. Therefore, the total landscape area must be the same in the baseline and design cases, but the irrigated area does not have to be identical.
However, note that any natural/undisturbed vegetation should be excluded from the calculations altogether.